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Athlete Information

Check-In & Briefings

All athletes will be required to check in on the day of the competition. Timings for each state will be released 2 weeks to your competition date, along with your heat schedules and heat number.

When you arrive at the Event, proceed to the check-in table allocated for your division where you will receive your event accreditation which will serve as your access to enter the competition.

Medical Team

A Medical Team will be available onsite at the Gold Coast to assist Athletes, Judges, Spectators and Event Crew in the event of a medical emergency, injury or first aid requirement. In all other locations we will have a medic on call. In case of emergency please alert of event crew immediately.


Athletes must be in the marshalling stalls 10 minutes prior to their heat. It is the athlete’s responsibility to know when your heat time is and to be prepared for your event. If you miss your heat, you will be given a score of zero for the event and may be removed for the remainder of the competition. A detailed competition schedule will be made available online closer to the event date.

Athlete Conduct

The community experience of the Butterfly Effect is most important to us, and we want everyone to enjoy their time at the event. The Butterfly Effect has zero tolerance for poor behaviour and Event Organisers will not tolerate any person who is physically or verbally abusive, aggressive, or harassing of crew members, judges, fellow athletes, or spectators. 

We expect all athletes and coaches to treat one another respectfully at all times. Event Organisers reserve the right to remove any person from the competition who breaches this code of conduct.

Appealing A Score

Athletes or team captains should file onsite appeals or scoring questions with the Head Judge or Athlete Control lead immediately following the event or at the earliest possible opportunity. Coaches are welcome to be involved with the appeals process but only after the completion of the event and in conjunction with the athlete. 

Judgment calls made during an event are final and not negotiable or subject to change, modification, or appeal. In addition, athletes may not protest discrepancies related to the judging, scoring, or performance of another athlete or team. 

An athlete or team CANNOT appeal live judgment calls and no reps by the judge. Common examples include, but are not limited to: 

  • Most range of motion faults (end ranges of rep) such as:
    • Depth of a squat 
    • Extension of hips, knees, or arms 
    • Stabilization of a lift or equipment overhead 

Examples of events or actions an athlete or team CAN appeal include: 

  • Scorecard or leader board data inconsistencies or errors 
  • Counting inconsistencies or errors (i.e., the total number of repetitions completed was incorrect) 
  • Loading inconsistencies or errors 
  • Course markings or directional inconsistencies or errors 
  • Equipment or monitor failure that was not the responsibility of athlete 
  • Miscommunication by a judge regarding movement standards, or event order or direction. 
  • Action of another athlete or person that impeded the athlete’s progress 

Two appeal rule: 

  • Athletes/teams will start the competition with two appeals. 
  • Following each test, athletes/teams have the option to appeal (see eligible list above). 
  • If after investigation the appeal is granted, the athlete/team will retain their appeal count. 
  • If after investigation the appeal is denied, the athlete/team will lose one appeal from their appeal count. 
  • If an athlete/team exhausts their appeal count, they will not be allowed to make any other appeals over the remainder of the competition. 
  • Missing mandatory competition responsibilities such as athlete registration or may result in a loss of an appeal at the Head Judge’s discretion.

Availability Changes

If you are registered to compete at the Butterfly Effect and for any reason are unable to attend the event, please email

**Please be aware that once registration has been paid in full no refunds will be made available.

Bags & Luggage

Upon entry each day Security may ask for a visual bag check.

Inclement Weather

Please be aware that the Butterfly Effect Gold Coast is an outdoor sporting event that may be affected by inclement weather conditions. While we are committed to holding the event as planned, the safety of our participants and attendees is our top priority. In the event of severe weather, we may need to make adjustments to workouts or delay/postpone events.

Butterfly Effect Media Team 

We’re lucky to have an extensive and extremely talented team of content creators who are experts capturing every moment of our event and competition divisions. 


Whilst we aim to capture as much of the Event as possible and deliver photo albums free of charge, we must stress this does not mean you are guaranteed a competition photo. Albums will be uploaded when the event photographers have finished editing. We aim to provide the albums within 2 weeks of the events.

Media Passes

Media passes are only available for the contracted Butterfly Effect media teams. All images and video content of the Competition is owned by Comp Expo Pty Ltd and may not be published or used for marketing or promotional purposes unless authorised.

Transgender Policy

Comp Expo Pty Ltd T/A Butterfly Effect Comp is committed to ensuring all athletes have equal access and opportunities to participate in our events in a manner that is fair to all competitors while preserving the integrity of the sport. Transgender athletes are welcome to participate in Butterfly Effect in accordance with the requirements set forth below.

Athletes who transition from male to female must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Athletes must contact prior to registration to declare they identify as female.
  2. Their gender in their everyday life matches their registration gender,
  3. They have obtained civil documents with their registration gender identified (e.g., state ID or driver’s license).
  4. Athletes who cannot meet the criteria in points 2 & 3 above may provide medical or other evidence satisfactory to Comp Expo Pty Ltd establishing they self-identify as the gender stated in their registration.
  5. Athletes must demonstrate their total testosterone level in serum has been below 10 nmol/L prior to their first competition and must remain below that level throughout the competitive period.

The information provided by the athlete in all the points listed above will be reviewed by Comp Expo representatives, who shall determine, in its sole discretion, whether the athlete will be allowed to participate.

A transgender athlete who is unable and/or unwilling to meet and/or provide the requirements listed above, may still participate however their scores will be marked as scaled and they will rank below all other teams on the leaderboard in fairness to all other athletes. 

Appeal By A Transgender Athlete

Any transgender athlete whose registration to compete has been rejected under this Transgender Athlete Policy, may appeal that decision as follows:

• Athletes shall have 10 business days following receipt of the decision rejecting their gender registration to submit their written petition of appeal explaining why that decision should be overturned.

• Following a review of the athlete’s petition of appeal, the panel will, in a timely manner, provide its written decision, including supporting reasons, either denying or granting the appeal.

• Athletes may request a personal hearing by telephone, and it will be at Comp Expo Pty Ltd’s sole discretion to grant or deny such a request. Athletes may have an advocate or other representative present if they so desire.

• Comp Expo Pty Ltd personnel will confer and decide upon the appeal. Any decision made by the panel on the petition of appeal shall be final and not subject to any further appeal.  

Other Challenges to the Gender Classification Of An Athlete

Any athlete registered may challenge the gender classification of an athlete by sending a confidential written request to That request will be reviewed by the representatives in such a manner as it deems appropriate. In the interest of confidentiality, the receipt of the challenge will be acknowledged, but no further information will be provided to the challenging party. Comp Expo may also conduct a review and evaluation of an athlete’s gender classification on its own initiative. Except for the transgender athlete’s right to appeal, no other athlete or person shall have any standing to challenge a decision of Comp Expo’s representatives under this Transgender Athlete Policy.

Confidentiality and Consent to Sharing Confidential Information

The legitimate medical and other privacy interests of transgender athletes will be preserved. Any discussion involving the gender identity of an athlete and any documentation supporting a gender transition will be kept confidential on a need-to-know basis, unless the athlete makes a specific request otherwise. Athletes give their consent to Comp Expo to share confidential information with others as may be reasonably required in the application of this policy or in the application of the transgender policies of other sports organisations in which the athlete is participating. Comp Expo will not retain any medical documentation that may be provided by athletes in accordance with this policy or that is otherwise relevant to their previous status as a Butterfly Effect competitor after receiving notice from them that they will no longer be participating in the events.

For further information or questions, please contact

In proud support of the Butterfly Foundation. A percentage of every ticket sold will be donated to the Butterfly Foundation